Gina Erickson, US Census Bureau
RDC Administrator
[email protected] or [email protected]
(612) 626-4365
I previously worked for the Census Bureau from 2010-2013 before returning in 2023. I hold a PhD in Sociology from the University of Minnesota. I spent 8 years in academia before working as a public health analyst and then returning to the MnRDC. My primary research interests are in demography, particularly the transition to adulthood. Previous work has investigated various aspects of the transition to adulthood including mental health, criminal justice involvement, disability and family formation.

Catherine Fitch
MnRDC Executive Director
[email protected]
(612) 626-3923
I have worked for the MPC since its inception in 2000, and prior to that I worked as a research assistant on the Historical Census Projects. I am now the Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (ISRDI) Associate Director and the MnRDC Executive Director. Throughout my career, I have been involved in the creation of several data infrastructure projects, and my own research focuses on historical demography and marriage formation in the United States.
Steering Committee
Steven Ruggles - Professor, History and Director, Minnesota Population Center
Lynn Blewett - Professor, Health Policy and Management
Russell Funk - Assistant Professor, Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
Kyle Herkenhoff - Associate Professor, Economics
Janna Johnson - Associate Professor, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Illenin Kondo - Senior Research Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Carolyn Liebler - Associate Professor, Sociology
Elton Mykerezi - Associate Professor, Applied Economics
Toben Nelson - Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Community Health